Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sierra McCormick Talks A.N.T. Farm Season 3


Q) What are the recent projects you are working on?
A) We just wrapped the third season of "A.N.T. Farm" and it will premiere on May 31st. Make sure you tune in and check your local listings for times!

Q) What are we going to be learning this season on "A.N.T. Farm" about Olive and friends?
A) There is definitely a change in location and there are lots of boy troubles coming for Olive. It will be quite interesting!

Q) Was there something about Olive that wasn't originally scripted for you that you added to the role?
A) Olive is cocky sometimes and other times not. When she is, she kind of thinks she's a hot thing. I kind of added the cockiness when it comes to thinking she's very attractive and the way she flirts.

Q) How does the cast continue to maintain such great chemistry together?
A) We all get along pretty well. When ever I have a storyline with Alexandria Deberry (who plays Paisley), it's so funny. She's a good friend of mine and I love her. Her character isn't smart and Olive is ridiculously smart. When they are together, it's the funniest thing. We have great chemistry and we always play off each other. Also, with Aiden Mincks (who plays Angus) I have great chemistry with him because he's just the cutest thing in the world and I love him. We all have such fun together that it's hard not to have chemistry.

Q) With your busy filming schedule, how do you find time for fun?
A) I make time! We get breaks and I find the time. I also attend school, which makes it a little more difficult to find time, but I always manage to sneak it in. School is fun for me though because I get to go and see everyone.

Q) Who can you tease as guest stars for this season of "A.N.T. Farm?"
A) I can't give anything away, but we do have a couple of new characters coming onto the show and they'll be very interesting. They are so funny! We have Dominic who kind of runs the school because he's a billionaire. He is hilarious! We have a couple other people that bring so much to the show with their energy and comedy. It was great to have them!

Q) What have been some of your favorite moments from filming this season?
A) Some of my favorite moments from season three are all the scenes in the whole new location and the school. It's really fun and the sets are colorful. All of those mirror our energy and have brightened our day. The sets are so pretty and fun. Also, you may not see this, but the fun that we have behind the scenes joking around and messing around having fun are some of my favorite parts.

Q) When the show began, did you think it would become such a fan favorite?
A) I think I did because when I read the first few scripts I laughed and I laugh at them all the time! We have such a great team of writers, producers and directors that it was kind of hard not for it to succeed when we had so many great people behind us. It's kind of hard not to be successful when you have such a great time. There was never a doubt in my mind that it wouldn't be successful.

Q) What are your recent obsessions? Is there a book, sport, band, film, etc. that you are really into at the moment?
A) I haven't seen it yet, but I've read the book and I'm really into it; I'm very excited to see The Great Gatsby. The excitement is like leaking through my pores! I haven't seen it yet because I've been pretty busy with the show. It's one of my favorite books so I'm kind of obsessed with seeing it.

Q) What do you think it is about "A.N.T. Farm" that has really capture so many viewers?
A) I think it's the age range because we can appeal to older kids and younger kids. We're kind of playing middle schoolers in high school so we can kind of capture both demographics. Also, the way "A.N.T. Farm" works is that we kind of feel out of place. I think that can really strike deep into the hearts of viewers. A lot of kids that feel out of place can relate to us and I think that's what makes the show so relatable. We aren't exactly the cool kids and we aren't super popular where we're breezing through our social life in middle school and high school. It's relatable because we go through certain troubles that other kids can feel like they relate to it.